New Edition of JLDHE - Third Space Special

We are delighted to announce that a special edition of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education (JLDHE) has just been published: Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. The special has been edited by Kelly Louise Preece, James Anthony-Edwards, Eleanor Hodgson, Karen Kenny, Rachel Sloan. Congratulations to the editorial team for their mammoth effort getting this over the line: the edition is a whopper with 55 articles, opinion pieces and case studies!

Diane and I delighted to have had another paper published in the special: View of The power of social capital: the significance of relationships in third space practice

Some of our co-authors and blog post authors have also had pieces published:

There is a webinar to launch the special edition on Friday 7th February from 12.00-13.00 GMT - for details of how to book on see here: Launch Webinar: Special Issue on Third Space in Higher Education - Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education

Congratulations to all the authors!

Emily & Diane

Emily McIntosh

Dr Emily McIntosh has held a variety of senior management roles in learning, teaching and the student experience in several UK universities.  Her expertise includes leadership for learning and teaching and the student experience.  Emily is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA, 2017) and a National Teaching Fellow (NTF, 2021). She is on twitter: @emilythemac.


Mapping Third Space through Writing


Greetings of the season