Supporting Professionals in(to) HE Network (SPiHE) - Webinars

The Supporting Professionals in(to) HE Network is pleased to announce the next set of webinars taking place over the next few months:

The next webinar will take place on Teams on Monday 17th June at 12.00-13.00.

Pracademics supporting pracademics: what can dual professional developers tell us about building successful academic careers?

In this SPiHE network session, we will hear from colleagues who have moved from professional practice into academic development roles. In their current roles, each of the speakers support others to move from their own previous industry into HE - and will tell us how their own experiences of transitioning from a professional background into academia influence their approaches to supporting others. They will offer practical tips for dual professionals who have moved into HE, those who are considering the move, and those who support the development and enhancement of practice-informed teaching.

Our speakers are Ben Ferris (Head of Law School Training and Development, BPP University), Joanne Fisher (Principal Lecturer, School of Nursing and Advanced Practice, Liverpool John Moores University) and Felicia Tick (Associate Dean, School of Business, BPP University)

You can book your place here:

If you would like to save the date for forthcoming sessions, our programme for the next few months look like this:

- 5th July 12.00-13.00 Laura Minogue (St. Mary's University) will share findings from her doctoral research on the career transitions of dual professionals

- 10th Sept 13.00-14.00 Jill Dickinson (Leeds Beckett University) will lead a session drawing on her recent collection 'Professional Development for Practitioners in Academia: Pracademia'

- 15th October 12.00-13.00 Rebecca Hodgson (University of Manchester) will share her 'academic identity nexus', developed through longitudinal empirical research with academic staff

- 12th November 12.00-13.30 Laura Stinson (Nottingham Trent University) will lead a SpiHE Speed SoTL

More details on each session and booking links to follow.
The JISC list for the network is

Emily McIntosh

Dr Emily McIntosh has held a variety of senior management roles in learning, teaching and the student experience in several UK universities.  Her expertise includes leadership for learning and teaching and the student experience.  Emily is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA, 2017) and a National Teaching Fellow (NTF, 2021). She is on twitter: @emilythemac.


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